When we were contemplating the launching of the Sencillo brand, I fondly remembered a few particular blends I tasted during my trips to Honduras and Nicaragua. They were full of flavor yet accessible, the kinds of cigars you could smoke any time of day, whenever you have a few spare moments to sit back and enjoy life.
For Sencillo, we wanted to pursue this same flavor profile, this same experience. Both of the Sencillo brands, Sencillo Platinum and Sencillo Black, have a rich, relaxing, thoroughly enjoyable flavor. Yet they are distinctly different cigars.
So sit back, take some time, and explore the refined, relaxing experience of Sencillo Platinum and Sencillo Black. You deserve it! And the more you explore the countless flavors that the cigars of the world offer, the more you'll appreciate and enjoy cigars!
The best things in life are simple pleasures. Let’s savor each moment.
Keith K. Park
Founder and President
Sencillo - Prometheus - God of Fire - Angelenos
Los Angeles, California