Storage capacity: 100 cigars, Produced by Prometheus in France
Veneer: Water Crest Sycamore
Dimension: 17 inch X 9.72 X 5.24 (43 cm X 24.7 X 13.3)
Serial-numbered and Certificate of Authenticity enclosed
Humidification Device: Prometheus Optima Humidifier (made in France) and Hygro 3
H-LE/2010-SN, MSRP $1,500.00 in 2014
Storage capacity: 50 cigars, Produced by Prometheus in France
Veneer: Water Crest Sycamore
Dimensions: 10.6 inch x 9.25 x 4.5 (27 cm x 23.5 x 11.5)
Serial-numbered and Certificate of Authenticity enclosed
Humidification Device: Prometheus Optima Humidifier (made in France) and Hygro 3
MSRP $950.00 in 2010